
21 Лютого 2023
Vadim Mashurov. All about career and business
Vadim Mashurov is an IT entrepreneur and crypto enthusiast, an expert in the field of investment and financial markets, and the founder of the world-famous Instime. He’s also Ukraine’s youngest millionaire (in dollars)

Vadim Mashurov was born in Brovary, Kyiv region, on June 2nd, 1997. He’s unmarried, and has no children. He currently lives and works abroad. 

In 2019, he graduated from the Institute of Computer Information Technologies of the National Aviation University, with a degree in Software Engineering and Software Development. He chose the profession based on his childhood hobbies and youthful interests, as well as taking into account previous work experience. 

Mashurov's first job was at the YoV Games company, which developed computer games. It was a startup financed by American investors. Mashurov was accepted into the company despite the fact he was only 14 years old. Mashurov worked with the company for three years. 

At the age of 17, Mashurov got a job in a small company, more like a web studio, and directly began to teach the specific organization and functioning of IT business, acting as a technical director. Six months later, Mashurov became a full partner and subsequently closed the entire technical division and provided management to the company's personnel. 

In 2017, he conducted a special course for Google Ukraine employees and gave lectures about decentralized technologies, in particular about blockchain systems. 

In 2018, Mashurov set up his own office, hired employees, and began to work on a new project, Instime.

Instime is a promotion service on the Instagram social network which by 2019 was already famously in demand. It operates in 110 countries and has over 120,000 users.

Later, training was added to the service and a neural network was added to help promote your page. 

In September of 2020, Instime, the social media promotion technology that had been created by Ukrainian developers, was acquired by the China Convergence Fund for $15 million.

At the international forum, "Laboratory of online business - 2019", David Arakhamia named Vadim Mashurov's Instime.world company one of the most successful, and set it as an example for young IT specialists. He noted that in just six months the project began to bring the owners more than 3 million dollars a month. The site "24SMI" called him the guru of Ukrainian IT business.

After the sale of Instime, Mashurov went to the financial markets. He is actively involved in securities and cryptocurrency trading, as well as developing his own crypto exchanges and crypto wallets. Mashurov's team then began to provide blockchain services to large outsourced companies. Occupying a niche in decentralized finance and providing quality products to customers has led to immense growth in the company and a steady increase in demand. 

Mashurov then managed to gather crypto enthusiasts and create a company that offers professional services in the crypto market which has been rapidly developing in recent years.

Currently, the IT entrepreneur is mastering the most promising areas of blockchain technologies: NFTs, launchpads, the metaverse, and blockchain solutions for new market players. It is in these areas that the company continues to develop under his leadership.

"Now we are working on launching our own launchpad, the success of which will be facilitated by our experience gained through the implementation of a crypto wallet and an Estonian license. In particular, the license gives the right to provide cryptocurrency exchange services, as well as to act as a virtual asset wallet service provider. We are also working on introducing new alternative business strategies that better match the values of blockchain technology. In addition to the standard models of large deposits from large investors, we want to attract small investments from the community as well.”

Another of the products that Mashurov is currently working on, is one which he calls “an ecosystem associated with cryptocurrency”. The project will allow users, in addition to storing and exchanging cryptocurrency, to use it for investments, deposits, buying and selling NFTs, participating in launches of startups, and other various projects. The community, which is also an investor, receives a large number of cryptocurrency services and opportunities, all in one reliable platform. 

“For quality investments, it is not enough just to have money, an investor is a profession that needs experience, understanding, and often a team effort,” says Vadim Mashurov. 

Mashurov's company is also preparing to launch a bank. A cryptocurrency wallet has already been created and a license has been obtained. There’s also plans to start a Launchpad - essentially a startup accelerator.

“We will have a slightly non-standard model. The startup will bring together a large number of people, and from each of them a small amount of funds. This is to say, they will become its investors. As a result, the project receives both an audience and finances at once. We have many other interesting solutions in this direction – a whole ecosystem associated with cryptocurrency is being created,” Mashurov said.

After the outbreak of war in Ukraine on February 24, 2022, Mashurov and some of his employees went abroad. The team now operates in Poland, Spain, and Switzerland.

“We took some of our guys out even before the war. But not everyone agreed. Some of our employees wanted to remain in Ukraine and continue to work for the company,” says Mashurov.

On top of this, some employees of the company decided to defend the country - they quit and volunteered for the defense services. The company helped them and their families financially. But not everyone accepted the help. Some asked that the money be transferred directly to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. 

Mashurov's company also provides humanitarian aid to Ukrainians affected by the fighting. 

“We focused on humanitarian aid and have tried to help hundreds of families affected by the war. Our colleagues and partners from other countries, in particular from Kazakhstan, have also joined the initiative, transferring fairly large sums,” the businessman noted. 

At the same time, both Mashurov and his business partners plan to return the team to Ukraine in the future. 

“We definitely plan to return after the war. It is not only about people, but also about everything else as well. We are ready to help the economy through both jobs and taxes. After the war, I also plan to stay in Ukraine longer, if not permanently. This time will be interesting, because we will all rebuild our country together,” he summed up. - Ukraine is our family, people are more mentally pleasant for me there. It is easier for me to understand people there and there is an energetic connection with people. It is my homeland. In fact, what Kyiv and Ukraine give you, no other city in the world can give you.”

Mashurov also plans to invest in science and social projects aimed at improving the welfare for the most vulnerable parts of Ukrainian society - the poor, pensioners, and large families.


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