
09 Жовтня 2023
Atayants Oleg Evgenyevich
Artist, architect, entrepreneur, philanthropist

Personal Data

Born January 4, 1978 in Odessa. In 2008, he graduated from the State Chemical and Technological University in Dnipro majoring in economic management. 

Creative activity

Oleg Atayants began his career in art in 2000 in Odessa. In 2017, he created the Atayants Gallery, which became a modern multimedia hub, where the works of famous contemporary Ukrainian and foreign artists were exhibited. The gallery also has a closed showroom in Kiev.

In 2019, the art project Made in Chernobyl was launched to providing a new creative perception of the Chernobyl tragedy. Dozens of artists from Ukraine, Armenia, Slovenia, Italy, the USA and other countries lived in Chernobyl for 4 days and created paintings, sculptures and installations. The initiator of the project, Oleg Atayants, was also its resident. Subsequently, the works created within the framework of Made in Chernobyl were presented at the Museum of History of Kyiv.

In 2023, an installation by Oleg Atayants entitled "Fuck Gas Weapon" was presented in Kyiv. The idea of its creation arose in 2022, at the height of the war between Russia and Ukraine and the destruction of the Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline. The author thus protested against the gas pressure exerted by Russia. The installation included nationally coloured gas pipes twisted to form the familiar figure of the middle finger.

Then the installation will be presented at art fairs in the United States, and the author plans to sell his work at auction and transfer the received funds to the Ukrainian army. 


In 2017, Oleg Atayants launched a nominal scholarship for young artists throughout Ukraine. In particular, a competition for the best drawing was announced among students of 3-5 grades of Svyatoshinsky district of Kyiv, where children created drawings on the theme "United Ukraine". Among the members of the jury was Oleg Atayants himself, Oksana Boboshko, director of the Atayants Gallery, as well as art historians from different countries. The contest was won by the third grader from secondary school No196 Anastasia Kravchenko, who received a scholarship in the amount of UAH 3 thousand.

Business interests

According to the data on Clarity-Project, Oleg Atayants owns 9 businesses and is listed as the founder of 7 more companies. His business interests cover different fields, including construction, agrarian business, energy, etc.







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