
03 Листопада 2023
Denis Gorbunenko
Entrepreneur, banker, financier, investor

Biography of Denis Gorbunenko

Denis Gorbunenko originally from Donetsk. Born in 1973. After he graduated from high school, Denis entered the Donetsk Academy of Management. He graduated with a bachelor's degree in "Manager of non-industrial enterprises," and then went to study in the UK. There he became a student at Oxford Brooks University and received a Master's degree in business administration.

Denis Gorbunenko – career

During his studies, Denis started to build a career – he got a job at the Donbas branch of INKO Joint-Stock Bank. In 4 years (from 1992 to 1996), he showed impressive results - from the leading specialist of the lending department to the deputy manager of the branch.

Immediately after that, Denis Gorbunenko took the position of manager of passive operations of Kyiv-Privat Joint Stock Bank (1998). This helped him become the Head of the Department of International Settlements and Operations in 1998-1999, and then the Head of the Operations Department of the Kyiv International Bank, which was part of the Rabobank International Group.

Denis Gorbunenko served as Deputy Chairman of the Management Board from 1999 to 2004 and later served as Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board and member of the Supervisory Board of Creditprombank OJSC (Kyiv, Ukraine). He was engaged in business management and strategic development of the bank. During his work there he managed to:

• expand the network of branches and respondent banks;

• increase the range of the bank's operating currencies;

• to improve the performance.

Denis Gorbunenko worked at Rodovid Bank OJSC from 2004 to 2009, where he became a minority shareholder and Chairman of the Board. He managed to increase the bank's assets by 1,833% and bring the financial institution to the top 20 banks of Ukraine with an extensive network of branches with more than 10,000 employees. The financier's activities resulted in incredible indicators - the bank's assets grew from $150 million in 2004 to $2.75 billion in 2008. In the same year, the bank's capital was estimated at 800 million dollars.

In 2009, Gorbunenko changed the direction of his activity – he left Rodovid Bank and began to invest in projects involving private and foreign capital. This is what he still does, being an investor with participation of various degrees - from strategic supervision to operational management of the highest level.


The main areas of work that Denis Gorbunenko chooses for himself are as follows:

- Telecommunications: The redemption and subsequent sale of a fixed-line core telecommunications asset with a transaction size above $800 million

- Real estate market: acquisition and reconstruction of elite class residential real estate (Great Britain)

- Premium property management: the organization of a comprehensive specialized service for households of persons with ultra-high net worth following individual needs and wishes (UK).

- S. Pierce Advisors Ltd is an investment banking company providing a wide range of specialized consulting, support and research services (Ukraine)

- Trade in metals, minerals and fertilizers: activities in the international market of trade in raw materials and fertilizers (UAE).

Recognition and awards

Denis Gorbunenko has repeatedly become the "Banker of the Year" (in 2007 and 2008), became one of the five leaders according to the results of the study "Young Entrepreneur of the Year 2008" according to Ernst and Young, and also took the 78th line of the rating in Ukraine Forbes list.







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